General information about Turkey
Turkey has an area of approximately 783,562 square kilometers, as most of the population is Muslim and speaks the Turkish language. The world of agriculture, tea, tobacco, citrus fruits, barley and hazelnuts is famous.
Turkey site
Turkey is located in the Middle East region in a strategic location that connects the European and Asian continents and is bordered by Syria, Iraq and the Mediterranean Sea to the south, Georgia and the Black Sea to the north, Iran and Armenia to the east, Bulgaria, the Aegean Sea and Greece to the west. It constitutes about 97% of the public area
commercial importance
Turkey enjoys great importance as a global trade corridor, as transport and trade takes place from Asia to Europe through three corridors, including the corridor that passes through Turkish lands. Security and stability between transport and trade routes between Asia and Europe to transport goods from the East to Europe and the Middle East
The Turkish government has carried out many huge projects in the field of transportation, which contributed to raising the level of trade and economy to leading global centers and trade exchange in millions of dollars. Turkey has also invested and worked to diversify the areas of tourism in the country.
Turkey has achieved the highest rate of exports as a result of its strong economic performance by increasing exports, mass production and exporting Turkish products, which increases the flow of foreign exchange and investments and strengthens the economy, which gave a competitive advantage to Turkish goods.
Also, Turkey's geographical location between the continents of Asia and Europe has positively affected trade exchange in general, in addition to land freight between Turkey and the surrounding countries, which made it a pioneer as a global exporting country.